Abiding in Presence - Life long Spiritual Growth

My Background and Education
My faith is grounded in the reformed Christian tradition,
and I am also conversant and comfortable in all faith traditions.
I received my M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary
and have served pastorates, taught, and led retreats in Texas, Georgia, Tennessee, and Virginia.
My certification as a Spiritual Director is with the Shalem Institute for both individual and group spiritual direction.
I'm also certified through Together in the Mystery to provide Supervision of Spiritual Directors.
I am the Co- Author of What is Your Practice: Lifelong Growth in the Spirit along with Dr. Norvene Vest.
I currently provide spiritual direction, lead Contemplative Creativity Retreats,
and serve on the leadership teams for the Certificate in Spiritual Direction at Columbia Seminary
and for the Group Spiritual Direction Program of the Shalem Institute.